
ketika sedih, marah, atau bahagia.....

Monday, December 31, 2007

Today is my last day at work in year 2007..
Count down for less than 8 hour to go in year 2008..

I'm still at work and plan to go home at 5 PM.. Looking for help from Selvi and Wira to solve my reclassification financial balance.. why it doesn't work properly as Fery instructions.. :( hmm, the profit center is not maintained in the period I posts the G/L account..

OK, let's forget it a while.. Last saturday, I have a great time with some of my friends.. new joiner of accenture.. we meet at Inul Vista Plaza Semanggi.. oh before that, I meet Mita first at Loco Moco.. spent a little time to have a lunch and chat.. huhu.. I miss her so much.. after that, Mita and I go to the 6th floor.. reserve a small room (because there only 4 persons who can attend that karaoke session..) for the first 40 minutes there are only Mita and I who's singing.. we sing "If We Hold On Together".. that song reminds me when I'm in my graduation ceremony, Mita and Tina sing that song for us.. There are also few songs (I didn't remembered the title) that Mita and I sing it.. waw, Mita still have a wonderful voices even she had a cold.. Then Mikael joined us.. and not so long after Mikael joined.. Lorens comes.. there we go.. spent our three hours.. don't care if we can sing well or not.. at least for me.. hahaha.. :P the point is we have some fun there.. meet each other.. knowing how well we gets going through the works and company.. find new gossips (hehehe.. :P) hmm, I can't imagine if there are 12 of us there.. must be noisy and it will be more rocks.. :D so, let's hope there will be a spare time for us to have some fun like this.. :D

back to my works.. Wira has helped me to change the profit center period, so I can post G/L account using cost center in period 05/2006.. It works.. the only problem now is I don't understand what does it mean by Balance sheet key date in Reclassification selection screen.. I already raised this issue to Fery.. sent him an email.. and hope I can go home at 5 pm (just like my plan before)..

Oh another thing.. some of my co-workers (Andry, Satria, Reine, Alvin) here has been roll off and moved to another project.. hmm, I feel sad.. because the room where I stay in is not "noisy" anymore.. there's no more "live radio" (Shelly called it.. :P) since we can not hear Andry singing.. there's no more "garing" jokes from Satria.. and I also feel afraid.. afraid of my job.. what I'm doing right now.. If I found some problems or I makin' troubles.. I can straight forward ask Reine or Alvin to help me.. both of them are my SAP trainer, so I can ask them freely.. but I've to learn.. to be independent.. tryin' my best to find the answer of the issues I found.. or at least get closer to other co-workers so I won't be shame again if I need help from them..

well guys.. It's time for me to get prepared..
bye.. and see u in 2008

Happy new year!!!
Hope in 2008 we will be happier than it was in 2007..


Friday, December 21, 2007

Back to work

get back to work again.. but it seems unfriendly.. some of my co-workers get frightened with me when they know I have Varicella disease and they haven't.. but for workers who already have it, they just okay with me..

I know it's too fast, I only have a rest for 5 days and I'm health again.. I ask the doctor to gave me an injection.. that will help me to make those viruses death, and the skin rash of blister-like lesions drying faster.. And it works.. now I just thinking how to remove those drying black spot in whole my body and face.. I still eat the medicine that doctor gave me.. And of course every 4 hours, I used the clinovir cream that contains 5% of Acyclovir.. It helps me to regenerate my skin by makin' my skin flake..

hiks.. my supervisor Fery, told me not to seat closed to Alvin.. because he has a cold and his body is easier to get infected.. and Alvin must not be sick.. because he has a big responsibilities to accomplished his works (lots of heavy works) on scheduled.. hmm, well if that's the reason.. I understand.. I will accept it, because I don't want to ruin my project right? If an important person in my project get ill, everything that has been set up will be messed up..

Well, planning to go home earlier but then Fery give me a task to complete IT1-AMPS for Project Maintenance at 5.30 PM.. I finish it at 8.30 PM.. but I don't want to go home alone.. so I decided to wait for my friend spending the time by browsing and blogging like this.. As usual, every time Andry bring his car, he always give me a ride.. hmm, but now Andry has a cold and he didn't remember whether he has got Varicella or not.. oow.. I'm afraid that I will transfer this viruses to him.. I hope it doesn't happen.. and he will be ok..

Hati-hati Berobat ke RS. MH Thamrin Internasional Salemba

Saya menuliskan post ini sekedar berbagi pengalaman, supaya semoga kejadian yg saya alami tidak terulang lagi ke orang lain. Hari kamis lalu (13/12/2007) saya berobat ke RS. MH. Thamrin Internasional di Jalan Salemba Tengah, saya ditangani oleh dr. Novidasari di bagian poli umum. Saya memilih RS tersebut karena termasuk dalam jaringan asuransi kantor dan terdekat lokasinya dengan rumah saya.

Saya hanya diberikan 3 macam obat (penurun panas, pilek, dan vitamin). Keesokannya saya masuk kerja seperti biasa. Malamnya, saya baru menyadari kalau ternyata demam yg saya alami merupakan gejala terkena cacar. Akhirnya, Sabtu pagi (15/12/2007) saya memutuskan untuk kembali ke RS tersebut. Saat itu saya berharap mendapatkan pelayanan yg bagus dan memuaskan, mengingat RS tersebut adalah rumah sakit kelas "Platinum" di jaringan asuransi yg saya gunakan dan biayanya tidak murah. Tapi, yg saya peroleh adalah pelayanan tidak bersahabat dari dr. Novidasari yg menangani saya kamis lalu.

Sang dokter terlihat tidak mau memegang pasiennya (baca: saya). Beliau hanya menyuruh suster untuk memeriksa suhu badan saya. Aneh bukan? Dokter yg seharusnya tidak boleh jijik dengan keadaan pasiennya yg bagaimana pun. Tapi hanya karena pasiennya terkena cacar dan mungkin sang dokter takut tertular, dokter tersebut jadi enggan memeriksa pasiennya. Belum cukup sampai disini, saya meminta untuk disuntik (entah apa nama suntiknya saya gak ngerti, krn adik saya waktu berobat ke klinik langganan kami sejak kecil, ketika cacar kmrn dia mendapat suntikan yg tujuannya untuk menurunkan panas sekaligus membuat cacar cepat kering). Tapi dokter tersebut menolak dan berkata dengan nada agak kasar dan tinggi: "Mana ada cacar disuntik, dibiarin aja gitu.". Ya udah sih dok, biasa aja kali ngomongnya (dalam hati saya). Yah mungkin si dokter memang ga mau sembarangan nyuntik, takut salah dan ada apa-apa. Saya mengerti juga.

Waktu itu saya memang masih pilek dan batuk. Dokter memberikan saya berbagai macam obat (duh, sayang ketika saya menulis ini saya ga bawa obat-obat tersebut dan saya lupa apa aja obatnya) yang jelas jumlah tagihan waktu itu 618.183 IDR. Satu yg paling saya ingat adalah dokter tersebut memberikan obat Clinovir berdosis 400mg, saya harus meminumnya 5 kali sehari dan setiap minum 2 butir, total 800mg. Saya agak terkejut waktu itu, apa ga ketinggian yah dosisnya. Tapi, sekali lagi karena saya masih percaya itu RS bagus, saya turuti anjuran sang dokter.

Sepulang dari RS, saya minum obat tersebut (semuanya). Namun, panas badan saya semakin tinggi dan saya tidak merasa ada perubahan apa pun pada tubuh saya. Saya masih melanjutkan minum obat hingga minggu malam, perut saya mulai menolak. Muntah dan mual, sampai tidak bisa menerima makanan, bahkan minum pun rasanya ga bisa masuk.

Akhirnya senin pagi (17/12/2007) saya kembali ke dokter langganan saya sejak balita. dr. Suwandi Saptari. Beliau praktek di Johar Baru dan memang spesialis anak. Begitu sampai disana, sang dokter memeriksa obat-obat yg diberikan ke saya. 7 macam tidak boleh diteruskan untuk diminum, dan 2 lagi boleh diteruskan dengan dosis yg dikurangi. Dari 5 kali sehari jadi 3 kali sehari dan hanya 1 butir sekali minum. Dan saya disuntik supaya cacarnya cepat kering.

See.. untung saja saya tidak kenapa-kenapa. Bayangkan dosis obat yg terlalu tinggi dan 7 macam obat yg tidak boleh diteruskan lagi. Jadi, kalau anda hendak berobat ke rumah sakit tersebut sebaiknya teliti lagi resep obat yg diberikan sang dokter. Buat apa udah bayar mahal-mahal tapi malah mencelakakan.


Saturday, December 15, 2007

Time for blogging again..

I got stressed?? umm.. a little bit yes.. :( hiks, ternyata demam gue 2 hari kmrn berlanjut menjadi "cacar".. hari jumat sepulang dr kantor, gue menemukan bercak merah ga biasa di tubuh dan wajah gue.. oh nooo.. akhirnya kejadian juga gue terinfeksi nih virus.. setelah sblmnya adik gue got infected two weeks ago..
paginya ke rumah sakit lagi.. masih dgn dokter yg sama (hmm, tp sayang kok dokternya tampak masih kurang brpengalaman yah.. beda kayak gue ke dokter langganan gue sejak balita dulu, tp berhubung pake jaringan asuransi kantor ya udahlah..) hari ini serasa smua penyakit gue borong.. udah kena cacar, radang tenggorokan, batuk, pilek.. jadilah si dokter ngasih gue 10 jenis obat (8 obat minum, 1 salep, dan 1 bedak).. it costs 618.183 IDR.. dan perjuangan gue untuk sembuh hrs ditebus dengan menelan 9 pills 5 times a day.. what the ****..
tiap detik gue selalu ngaca.. ampe rasanya mau pecah kali tuh kaca lemari gue.. hiks.. wajah halus mulus tanpa jerawat gue.. skrng berubah.. :(( hiks.. gmn klo sampe ga balik sperti smula.. gmn klo sampe ninggalin bekas.. :(( gag rela.. gag rela.. *abis nelpon miko td sore, wah mik.. klo sampe wajah gue ga mulus lagi, lo mesti rekomendasiin perawatan yg bagus yah..*
dokter bilang gue mesti istirahat sedikitnya 5 hari klo mo bener2 sembuh.. duh, mana tahan diem di rumah ga ngapa2in 5 hari.. blom lagi pekerjaan2 yg masih pending (there are still a lot of test scripts wait to be executed).. and another important thing is I don't want to loose the chance to join in BP: OW2 Get Together.. In fact, I already buy a cute gift (ask for my sister to buy it..) *semoga hari Selasa gue dah bisa masuk kantor..*
hmm.. dan weekend ini bener2 sepi.. our plan for this saturday is going to the theatres to watch a movie.. tapi berhubung lagi sakit gini.. yah batal.. cuma bisa duduk bengong di rumah.. paling2 hiburannya nge-net.. :(
Last but not least, today is my father's birthday.. ^^
Happy birthday dad's..
semoga selalu sehat, dimurahkan rizkinya, makin sayang sama keluarga, dll..
wishing all the best for you..
hope I can be ur sweet little girl as long as I can.. ^^
love u dad..

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

A little bit dizzy and cold, yesterday I try to go home earlier.. I'm out from the office at 7.30 PM but unfortunately I have to wait transjakarta bus longer than usual.. At Dukuh Atas shelter, people queueing very looooong.. I have to wait for about 20 minutes to get in to the bus.. I arrived at 9.10 PM, take some medicine.. grab some grapes in my refrigerator.. take a bath.. and then have a rest..

In the morning, I try to force myself to get out from bed.. Oohh, hope this day is saturday or sunday, so I can get some sleep longer.. but it's not.. :( although I'm still feeling unwell.. I must go to the office, finishing all those test scripts to be executed..

Well, good luck for me today.. wish that I can finished all my works on scheduled.. wish my fever and cold gone with the wind.. *halah.. :P*


Thursday, December 06, 2007

Nostalgic Moment

This week has been a nostalgic week for me.. nostalgic moment when I heard songs from many boybands (BSB, Boyzone, Westlife, A1, Blue, NSYNC) and other songs from long ago.. :P (what?? I used word "long ago"?? Am I that old?? No, of course I'm not.. I'm still young.. hehehe.. :D)
It begins when I decided updating the songs in ipod I used.. I missed westlife.. westlife is one of my favorite boyband when I was in junior high school.. I collect every stuffs, everything 'bout westlife (casettes, posters, magz, etc).. I like their song, their music, lyrics and their voices are nice to hear.. easy listening.. easy to follow.. and it's romantic.. (yeah, I like romantic things.. :P) so, I put all westlife mp3 I have (I don't have all of their songs in mp3 format).. I played the songs in Monday morning during my trip to office.. And I still loved westlife 'til now.. :D
And the next day (Tuesday), Fandi (one of my friends here) also played westlife songs.. hey, looks like Fandi have more westlife songs than I have (never thought he will have it too.. :P).. well since most of us loved to sing, then we (some workers in the 8th floor) sing westlife songs together all day long.. (huehehehehe.. karaoke dadakan).. it's so fun.. :D
Wednesday.. OMG.. Andry (one of my friends too) brings his mp3 collection from famous boyband.. hmm.. I will listed them: BSB, Boyzone, NSYNC, A1, BLUE.. feels like I'm in junior high school again (it was like 6-7 years ago.. :P) then again, we singing together.. all day loooooonnggg.. hehe, although I have a backache on that day and many of works to do.. I feel happy.. enjoy every single time I have there in my office.. with my friends.. love u guys.. :)
And it happens until now.. Thursday.. (don't know what will happen on Friday.. :D)
there's one thing I want to write here.. everytime I heard BSB songs.. I remember the video made by The Lambirs (three crazy enough person *I think* who create those kind of stuffs.. :P).. they're singing and acting like BSB personnel in one of BSB songs (hmm.. the title is "Quit Playin' Games..").. it always make me laugh.. but the unique things is I got interested with my boyfriend now since I watch that video.. (hahaha, honey do u mind if I wrote the story here?? :)) he's so funny in that video.. and from there, I want to know his personality more.. in short, we're getting closer.. andddd.. I don't have to tell the next story to u guys.. u can read my post before this.. :P

well, that's only my short story for today..
hmm.. wanna hear all those songs again.. :D

Monday, December 03, 2007

1st Anniversary

The story is about our 1st Anniversary.. Actually, our anniversary fell on Nov, 26th.. but because of several reasons.. we can't go anywhere at that time.. he just called me in the morning and said "Happy Anniversary" and also he sent me a beautiful poems (you can read it on my friendster testimonial).. And then, we planned for a date on next Saturday (Des, 1st)..

I haven't met him for 2 weeks.. so, in this special occasion.. I want to look special for him.. ^_^ I cut my hair, prepare my dress, learn how to use make up *I've just bought it one week ago.. :P*, and so on.. And when he came to my home, it takes about one hour for me to dress up and make up *hahaha, usually I just need 15-20 minutes to change my clothes if we want to go for a date.. :P*.. but he said it's alright and it's worthed for waiting me to dress up and make up.. ^_^

Hmm, don't think that we will have a romantic dinner, we didn't have it.. we just have a very simple celebration.. we go to PS to find a new purse for me.. he bought it for me as our anniversary gift.. and then, we buy pizza and cheese cake, then we go to his home.. we spent the night, talking 'bout how our future will be.. 'bout our plan in the next 2-3 years.. 'bout our career *I will always support u for any career path u want to choose.. :)*.. and so on.. It's nice to have a long conversation like that.. as we never had it before.. :)

After that, he took me back to my home again.. and said that I looked beautiful on that day.. :) what a very wonderful day..

Here, I want to thank to you..
For making my life more colourfull in our one year relationship..
Laugh and cry.. Happyness and sadness..
All those things are priceless things for me..

I don't love u because of ur career, ur social status, ur riches, and any other material things.. I love u because I want to, because I need to, because my heart says that you're the one who could turn on the beat inside..

Hope we can always be together and love each other as well..

Happy Anniversary honey..

I love u more and more..